Monday, 22 September 2014

camera shots

              This is the long shot (LS)

This is used to show the background of the setting and is used to show the main characters.

                  This is the wide shot (WS)

This shot is used to show someone or something is approaching or something is about happen also it shows a group of people and the background but in this scenario its only one person.
                                                                                           This is the medium shot (MS)

This is used to show a group of people or a person closer up so you can see the emotion in their face and what they are doing.        

       This is the over the shoulder shot (OTS)

This shot is used to show what someone is looking at or could be looking at and in this scene the guy that was with the girl is looking at the other guy who has just walked up to them. 

     This is the over the shoulder shot (OTS)

This shot is again used to show what another person is looking at but this time the guy that has just walked up to the couple is now staring at the guy who's with the girl.

          This is the medium shot (MS)

This shot shows the emotion in the characters face and what is happening in the scene and it shows a bit of the background so you know where they are. So in this scene the guy that walks up to the couple grips the couple guy from the blazer and he punches back and it has worked because you can see the emotion,

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